
One Word Essay


Beauty, may be defined as pretty or good looking. However, it has come to a conclusion that the definition and philosophy of beauty is subjective. Even so, the sensation of beauty is universal, therefore the object is subjective but the sensation is clearly not. So, is beauty in the eye of the beholder?

To get through life happily I believe we must believe this quote and understand people and love them for who they are. For people do not change just for us, we instead change people. Will someone go for cosmetic surgery just because he or she thinks she is not up to standards? Who has caused her to go for the surgery, having labelled as “fake”, making her waste tonnes of her money that can be used on other helpful causes? It is undoubtly us, the critics, the gossipmongers, that may have said hurtful words or maybe even laughed at her. We ought to change. We cannot just dislike a person because he or she does not look like us, for they may have a heart of gold lying right under their ribcage that obviously we do not have.

First impressions are said to be the most important, but are they? I don’t think so. You must get to know someone for who they are and learn the beauty in them. While people say absence makes the heart grow fonder, prescence makes you understand the heart you are going to miss. Without understanding, wouldn’t it be just infatuation, or maybe just a passing crush on a cute guy or girl? Therefore, we ought to think whether he or she is really the dream guy or girl you want to walk down the aisle with, and of course, spent the rest of your life with.

How do you judge a person’s beauty? By how she looks or by her character and personality. It is important that she looks good probably, for that would be the look that you will be seeing every morning, however, wouldn’t her character and personality score higher points as that would be what you will be living with and that would also affect your own character and personality. A person may look very good, but becareful, for we ought not to judge a book by its cover. It’s best we read its content.

Is beauty in the eye of the beholder? Yes, it absolutely is. A person may appeal to you more than anybody else, for she attracts you with possibly a special charm that you are looking for in a girl. You may see her as perfect and wonderful, but not always others, who may think negatively of her. However so, listen to your heart than your brain, for love is heartfelt and love would not need any thinking if you two are meant to be.

Term 2 Week 10

It maybe hard to feel jocose when surrounded by a group of doleful people.

The happiest people, do not get put down by the sadness and misery around them. They do not care less! They get jubilant, and they do not ever frown but instead SMILE all day long! The merrymen also do not carry a whole load of encumbrance, but instead endanger them to extiction.

They are truely, the ones that reached the zenith. 

Term 2 Week 9

Fans are hardcore.

Regardless of under which genre, sport, music, adherents are always present. However, I believe the that they are the ones that bring the game to life. Although sometimes, when inebriated, and their team is losing, they may get into a pique and start hurling abuses or show an apathy to the game. Sometimes, even start a fracas and end up in jail or paying a hefty fine.

Sigh, will the number of supporters wane or will they stand up with gusto?

Term 2 Week 8

Jack is an avarice.

Even though his father is in a moribund state, he still has no means nor wants to complete his father wishes but instead, tries his best to exploit his father.

He’s a horror, and his insatiable lust for fortunes would devour him in propinquity.

Term 2 Week 7

Ludwig Von Beethovan, a composer, musician, and artist in music.

He has a great array of titles bestowed upon him. However so, when he was young, things got bad as he became deaf. Although he was constricted, he still managed to pull through all the humility and did not falter. Instead, he was ardent, and ended up culminating,reaching the pinnacle of his career

Unbelievable, he is undoubtly, a prodigy.

Term 2 Week 6

Politics, an important factor that changes governance. However, it’s all about the speeches and talks aren’t they?

When speaking, it’s best if your listeners manage to get the gist about what you said, if not, wouldn’t they just wasted 1 to 2 hours of their time, and you would be granted the title of a lethargic speaker who did not do his homework well! Futhermore, you must be acute, and always stay alert, so you would not leave the topic or maybe even get dumbfounded by a question. Of course, you must also be well into vogue, as your dressing may leave either a good or a bad first impression on the listeners!

So step out, and be the paramount speaker of today.

Term 2 Week 5

Useless i thought, as the sky darkens and the street lights came to life. Everything was in darkness, except the flickering lights and the conflagaration.

The situation was disastrous as the on-lookers were doddering. Debris was everywhere, so are my thoughts. Is my grandmother safe? I rue the fact that i left her alone, when I knew very clearly that she was senile.

To think that the fortune teller told her she would have longevity yada yada, what a load of lies.

Where is the aegis that would save grandma? I wondered.

Term 2 Week 4

Is there any other tradition that is still unknown to the world?

I know that there is of universal traditions in placed today, however, do all of them consist of a fetish? Or are they just absurd stuff that people create to ensure a sense of belonging, security?

However so, I believe it would be imprudent to not believe when you’re around them, for you do not know what they are capable of.

Term 2 Week 3

Education is undoubtly the one of the most important factors that would ensure a person’s happiness.

However so, the pedadogue and the pupil would have an important role to play to ensure good grades and therefore, a good job. Do not be maladjusted by the distractions that would occur in school life today. If so, the results would definitely be catastrophic, causing your parents to worry! The teacher woulb be a mandate, and it would prove useful if you care to listen and respect him or her.

How ould our lives be a decade later?


Term 2 Week 2

Drinking? Boon or bane?

Why do people drink? I understand that some of them do enjoy it, and they acknowledge it as a medicine or cure to stress.

However, what about underaged drinking? Now, plenty start drinking under the permitted age, as a chimerical to adulthood. Their parents may feel an indifference, or they would demur them, for everyone with a state of consiousnesss knows that drinking is a bane. Even so, plenty still covert their secret lives.

Say no to drugs? Drinking as well!